Part 24: Ave Maria (Battle)
Chapter 10: Ave Maria (Battle)Lets raid Castle Deil! I think thats what this map was called. Castle Deli?
I checked its Deil.

Zharov looks pretty cool as far as one off generic villains go. Hes not committing horrible hair crimes, at least.

I complain a lot about the reinforcements in this game, but they often do sort of warn you. Although, by the time youre deep enough in the chapter for it to matter, youll probably have forgotten the speech whichever experience bag is sitting on the throne gave.

The opening turn of this chapter is not exciting. There are no enemies, interesting positions to take, or anything like that. I just moved everyone clockwise.

The enemy thief gets to work immediately, though. Worth noting, at least, is that enemy thieves can only steal one item before they run, so we wont have to worry about the chest on the right getting opened before we get a chance.

The enemy fliers rush us immediately, so well have company down here pretty quickly. The Cavaliers are on their way as well.

Minervas an exception. She just kinda hovers around the top row of the map.

These Cavaliers are our first enemy encounter. So lets cover it stylishly.


Wob Leets double!

Other assorted offscreen killing! Barst is going to start the assault on the fort, hes in perfect range to smash this Knight with a good hammer shot.

Marth also hits the level 10 mark here, off the last Cavalier.

This goes even better than expected, given the Knights whiffed attack.

Now comes the flier barrage. Ill try and cut off the Dracoknight as he comes with a hit from Cain.

Time to teach this thief how a real thief thieves.

This is a pretty shitty level for Julian, given his great growths.

Oh, we also got one of these. Yay.

Man, the castle Knights arent great at aiming today.

Unfortunately, the archers are slightly better.

Also, whoops, I picked the wrong weapon for this. Should have gone with the Lance.

So, weve got these four fliers to deal with on this side of the fort. I left Caeda, Cain, Abel, Draug, and Jeorge behind to deal with them and head up this edge of the map.

Theyre well qualified for it.

Especially the fliers. Draugs doubling is coming in pretty handy.

...Then he gets an empty level. I suppose I deserve this. Somehow.

Everyone else just streams into the fortress. Cleaning up the Dracoknights went extremely smoothly, lets hope this goes half as well.

Cord usually just fills the role of Knight/General Smasher, and Im honestly completely okay with that, thats enough utility on its own.

I want to take out this Sniper ASAP, because hes the most damaging thing in here by far.

The archers lower priority, Wendell can have him.

Snipers a little heftier, but at least it gives Ogma a level in Swords, so he can use Silvers now.

This might come in handy if we get a bow user that doesnt blow. (Recent events have made me upset.)

At least Julian can spring the second chest for an immediately useful tool, another Physic stave. Now if only our cleric wasnt also doing terribly!

Im just going to leave Wolf here by the entrance. Ive got my reasons. You can probably guess my reasons.

Cmon, he just empty leveled, dont try to pull this insult to injury shit on me.

Thankfully, Ogmas as consistent as ever.

I mean...maybe I should just stop talking.

Thats the inner fort cleared of enemies. I mean, except Maria. Shes technically an enemy because this game hasnt figured out neutral NPCs.

Bow units are a great choice for the western part of this map, because the only real foes youll encounter are these fliers who get zapped out of the sky.

Alternatively, say, Cain could hit them with a Lance and get a level in it?

After five or so turns of meandering, Minerva has finally come to rest in the upper right corner of the map. Conveniently near the forts exit.

Oh, by the way, these pillars are real fuckers. Theyre just here because they cost more movement to cross over. Something I wouldnt know at all if this map didnt devolve into a traffic jam right around here.

Thankfully, the open plains are still free roaming territory for our mounted and ranged friends. But why, you ask, would an obnoxious chokepoint matter when all the enemies are dead?

On Turn 6, this happens. Wow, thats...a lot of guys! And theyre mostly mounted! And they would love to chase you down and trap you in that fort!

They arent complete throwaways, either. This got me my first time playing this map years ago. But I was young, and foolish, and did not see that these guys have 16ish attack.

And Wolf has 15 Defense.

Good luck getting in the building now, fuckers! (Yeah, this is a little cheap. But the first time I did this map, I assumed the reinforcements would come from the forts, so I left my poor cleric to guard them and Lena ended up swiss cheese. So consider this vengeance five years in the making.)

Anyway. There are a few shops along the west side of the map, so we might as well check out what theyve got.

Nothing super interesting here. A Silver Axe might be nice for Barst, but hes already kicking enough ass with Steel, I wont blow funds just yet. I grabbed a Hammer though. The second armory is even lamer, just shit weve seen before.

The magic shop, however, has a nice little surprise. The Pure Water is a consumable that gives a unit +7 Resistance, more than most units in this game will ever see, but it decays by 1 each turn. Situationally, Pure Water is a lifesaver, so I picked one up.
I also bought a Bridge Key, mostly because I had fond memories of the Bridge Key in FE12 that sat in my inventory from Chapter 3 to the Endgame.

Now weve pretty much got Carte Blanche to clear the rest of this area. Ogma can open up this door, because a rival awaits on the other side!

Ogma VS Big Ogma: Fight

First off, though, gossip.

If this whole kidnapping thing is public knowledge, Grusts leadership must be pretty incompetent. ...I wonder how many people Minerva has asked to save her sister before Marth?

Caeda takes up a position to take out Zharovs lone Knight guard.

Come at me.

The way to the boss is clear!

Meanwhile Ogma proves he is indeed the superior Sword Guy.

...Yeah, I think this is going to go fine.

Of course, Ogma can get a little help to finish his honor duel faster. We dont have all day here.

I hope noone was holding out for that Hero.
Because hes dead.

Master Seals are important items! They allow most units (Not Marth, Thieves, Manaketes, or Another Guy We Get Later) to Promote to an advanced class once theyre level 10-20. Generally you want to wait until level 20 to use them, because otherwise you lose chances to level up. Well see more promotion in action soon enough.

Now then, Julian can work his magic on the door.

And thats one prison break complete.

Maria joins our team now! Shes...shes not great. She comes in at about the same level Lena did...7 chapters ago, and with similar growths, a few divots, but nothing too major. Shes really mostly just a plot device. Still, if you got your healer killed, or your healer can never, ever, ever get a good level up...maybe.

I feel like theres an undercurrent of anger towards Clerics in this update. Huh.

At least Abel benefits.

Zharov here isnt too scary, even with his two range. Caedas not afraid to stare him dead in the...side.

I was kinda hoping hed have a special quote if Minerva attacked him, but sadly this game doesnt really do that.

Caedas quicker, more accurate, and with the Wing Spear, stronger than Zharov. Shell win in a fair fight.

Wolfs doing okay, thanks for asking.

I, uh, may have said in the update we got Wolf that I wasnt going to use him? I want you to know youre definitely remembering wrong, and I did not say that.

Minerva comes rushing in once youve talked to her sister. If you try to leave without saving her, she wont be as amicable.

Do remember that she has to talk to Marth, though.

Oh, thanks, Maria, that broke on me. (I might actually swap clerics, depends what people want to see.)

Caeda could just hit him again, but lets really embarrass poor Zharov.

Another day, another General.

...I wish Maria was a Hunter.

I cant be upset about this, at least. Thats a permanent +2 Speed to the user, and with such a make or break stat, even the tiniest boost is fantastic.

Im pretty sure he hasnt even noticed theyre there.

Minerva flies up and talks herself, if youve saved her sister. Somehow shes got a telepathic sibling link, I guess.

Its cool, just about everyone here has tried to kill Marth at least once.

Michalis is a name you should be jotting down.

One sec, gotta get a Lance level.

Princess Minerva has joined our party now! And so has her axe, Hauteclere!
Each weapon type has one A Rank weapon in the game, and they kick ass. Minerva carries the axe, and its got 18 Might along with an on use ability to recover 10 HP. Its a nice tool to have on you.
Minerva herself is probably the best prepromote in the game, but thats not saying much. Her stats are...decent, and shes got some good personal growths in stats that will help her, like Strength and Skill. Still, shes slow, and she doesnt have as much room to grow in a game full of great fliers. Still, the Hauteclere utility makes her a strong pick.

She can talk with Maria as well!

He developed brief muteness for that entire recruitment conversation.

Anyway, thats enough of that.

Well this is out of nowhere.

Lotta exposition coming in here, but the important name here is Gharnef.

We dont even know her, Nyna. We cant adopt.
Next time, Chapter 11!


Next time I experience terrible flashbacks. Flash forwards? One of the two.
Bonus Content

Princess, Minerva